Saturday, 2 July 2011

Scouts of Malaysia

Centenary Celebration of the Scouts Association of Malaysia 1908-2008. Scouting is a popular co-curicular activity and is a form of training and education method for students. Through scouting activities, a lot can be learnt and experienced such as leadership, working in a group (patrol system), scouting skills, job week, games and singing. 
1. 30 sen The beginning of Scouting (1908). Map reading is a survival and navigation skill that was introduced in scouting as early as 1908.
2. 50 sen - Era of Growth (1957-1987) Building and crossing a Monkey Bridge is a fun activity that builds confidence and inculcate teamwork among scouts.
3. 50 sen - Today's Scout Movement (1988-2008) - Various water activities such as kayaking, swimming and diving were introduced by the Scouts Associatio of Malaysia through the Sea Scout which has attracted a lot of public interest to join the scout movement.

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